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Farming is a great feature which is not strictly native of all AMMs. It allows liquidity providers with another method to earn on their assets they already deposited to a pool besides the trading fee rewards.

This is especially attractive when dealing with new assets that usually have smaller size liquidity reserves and often means much more risk for providers on asset value loss.

How does it work?

To use this feature, providers need to stake their LP tokens they received when they deposited into a Farm contract. If you haven't done that, head over to the Liquidity User Guide.

Once you have staked your LP tokens into the Farm, you'll begin earning rewards!


Farms are only open for certain amounts of time so be sure to enter as early as possible to accrue the most rewards!

Staking LP Tokens

Stake your LP Tokens to begin earning extra rewards on your assets. To stake your LP Tokens on farms, follow these steps:


  1. Navigate to the Farms option in the Earn dropdown menu.
  2. Select the farm that you want to use and click on the + Stake button.
  3. Enter the desired value of the LP Token.
  4. Approve the LP Tokens to use. You will be prompted to sign a transaction for the approval.
  5. Finally, click on Stake to deposit your LP Tokens into the farm. You will be prompted to sign another transaction.

Whenever you add more staked tokens to an already existing farm, you will claim the accrued rewards.

Harvest Rewards

You can harvest your rewards accrued so far without unstaking your LP Tokens from the farm. This allows you to secure your profits early, which can be especially important when dealing with risky assets.


  1. Navigate to the Farms option in the Earn dropdown menu.
  2. Select the farm that you want to harvest from and click on the Harvest button. It will only be available if you have rewards to claim.
  3. Review the information and click on Harvest. You will be prompted to sign a transaction.


You can unstake your assets from the farm at any time. You may unstake a either a part of your stake or the entire amount. Regardless of the amount you unstake, you will also harvest the accrued rewards from the farm, so you will receive your LP Tokens as well as your rewards.


  1. Navigate to the Farms option in the Earn dropdown menu.
  2. Select the farm that you want to harvest from and click on the - Unstake button.
  3. Input the amount you wish to unstake.
  4. Click on UnStake. You will be prompted to sign a transaction.

Happy Harvesting! It's not much but it's honest work.